Wednesday, September 22, 2004

Why, But Why ??

Now why is this blog titled arunthur dent of all forsaken names on this planet ??

- I like DNA and his works. Not that i have read much, 've read the usual suspects (the trilogy in five parts + bits and pieces of dirk gently. anyone has a copy of "last chance to see" ??). Sad that he had to die before i could finish his famed trilogy. so this blog is dedicated (??) to DNA, his memory, Towels, Dolphins and anything that has Sci-fi, Fantasy, Humor or much better, all of the above.

- I like Arthur Dent. funny, panicky, unpredictably predictable (most of the times for the better) and a whole load of other characterstics which oh-so-reminds me of someone i've known since birth.

- I like King Arthur. Excalibur, Camelot, The Holy Grail and a tonne of mystery with a topping of the medieval age. That must've been interesting. After I saw the promos of the new "King Arthur" movie, i realised that he also had someone like Keira Knightley for company. Now, __That__ must've been more than just interesting.

- "I, King Arthur Dent" is an anagram which more or less summarises the author of this blog.

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

I m crazy abt Beeblebrox.. Can relate to the dude.. :-p


And damn the word verification...